"The Mood Swing is a beautiful expression of love, remembrance, and resilience. Written with a warm candor that acknowledges the pain of grief while fostering hope through a continued connection to our loved ones, The Mood Swing is a meaningful gift to young people who are navigating the world after the death of a parent."
Michele Neff Hernandez CEO and Founder Soaring Spirits International
"In a delightful way, this book brings a promising and empowering message to children who may be suffering from strong mood swings or a mood disorder. It normalizes such a condition by making it manageable and tolerable, and by casting a ray of sunlight and optimism onto the difficulties that set them apart from other children. A book of such hope should find a good place on the shelves of bookstores and libraries."
Michael Gellert, Jungian analyst and author, former Director of Training at the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
is a filmmaker and storyteller from Encinitas, California. He lives in Los Angeles and loves creating stories of fantasy, magic and make-believe with his friends. He also loves clouds and stars and the sound of owls.
is a Japanese-American illustrator who lives in Los Angeles, California with her best friend, Diego the dog. She loves doing cartwheels, drawing with her friends, and teaching her dog new tricks. Diego loves to take naps and eat french fries.